
Our Curriculum

At My Little Hearts Learning Center we believe it is important to involve our families in their child's education. The early years are the most critical and impressionable time in a child's life. It is important to ensure the experiences during this time have a positive lasting impression on both the child and family. Our programs are designed to promote creativity and learning with enthusiasm and encouragement. Our goal is to provide families and children with tools they need to make this time of their life memorable and meaningful. Below is a brief description of our curriculum

The Creative Curriculum ® for Preschool
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool
  • is based on 38 objectives for development and learning, which are fully aligned with the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework as well as early learning standards for every state.

  • presents knowledge-building volumes and daily practice resources in tandem, giving every educator the "what," "why" and "how" of early childhood education.

  • offers daily opportunities to individualize instruction, helping teachers meet the needs of every type of learner.

  • addresses all the important areas of learning, from social-emotional and math to technology and the arts, and incorporates them throughout every part of every day.

  • offers daily, built-in opportunities for observation, helping teachers and administrators clearly see the strong relationship between curriculum and assessment.

  • offers complete support for working with English- and dual-language learners, including detailed guidance that helps to build teachers' knowledge about best practices.

  • contains guidance for working with all learners, including advanced learners and children with disabilities.

Creative curriculum focuses on children's discovery.

We believe that all children are unique and no two children learn in the same way. Therefore our studies are child directed allowing the children to focus on all of the intricate nuances of children, such as their creativity, their imagination, and their curiosity, while continuing to emphasize each child's individuality in those areas.

Where does it come from?

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Our studies are merely possibilities

as we follow the leading and interests of the children. We believe they are the experts in discovering themselves.

The studies are venues for furthering development.

While the children may be engrossed in the caterpillar we found on the tree, we know that they are also gaining new vocabulary, discovering standards of measurement, classifying objects, and practicing social skills.


As a parent, you want the best for your child-the right schools, the right friends, the best education money can buy - every advantage life has to offer. Did you know that competency in a second language gives kids a competitive edge, not only now but throughout the rest of their lives? We offer children the opportunity to learn Spanish through age appropriate activities. Children's brains are like sponges, their learning potential is endless. We teach children common Spanish vocabulary such as colors, foods, body parts, etc. Your child will be well on its way to beginning a wonderful bilingual journey!

Baby Sign Language

We teach sign language as early as 6 months of age. As a little one begins to realize that sign language associations result in needs being met baby begins to form a deeper bond with the parent or caregiver as she or he satisfies those needs. This very important bond is particularly beautiful when the child's needs are addressed quickly reinforcing the value of communication. By providing your baby or toddler with a tool to identify objects and emotions even before they develop verbal skills your little one will be able to make connections and associations that will set the stage for better learning processes.

Bible Curriculum

The Gospel Project
A Christ-centered bible study that follows a 3-year chronological timeline of biblical events.

  • Helps children understand the timeline of the over-arching Bible story

  • Teaches children how each passage they study connects with the gospel

  • Utilizes creative teaching elements (Bible story videos and apps)

  • Immerse children in the gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation

  • Provide a deeper Bible study experience